Indexing the pastIndexing the past


Indexing the past

Participation in this workshop earns 4 SI CPD points in the Indexing Skills category

Tutor: Ann Hudson (FSocInd)

The past is everything that happened before today, and almost any text may include historical  references. Books dealing with the past, such as biographies, political memoirs, diaries, local history, art history, archaeology, genealogy, history of science and other historical topics, are a rich field for indexers. Whether you index academic books or ‘trade’ books aimed at the general reader you should find plenty that is useful in this workshop. It aims to demystify indexing the past and to help with common problems which may affect any indexer at any time.

Topics include dealing with historical personal and place names, the use of chronological subheadings, the pitfalls of historical period descriptions, problems of uncertainty, and the need to be alert for new indexable topics as scholarship develops along fresh pathways. Teaching points are reinforced with practical exercises, and throughout the workshop there are links to online resources and suggestions for useful reference books.

The workshop is suitable for indexers at all stages of their careers. It is an updated and expanded version of Ann’s ‘live’ workshop on the same topic. It includes more and longer practical exercises than can be accommodated in a ‘live’ workshop, and the price includes one-to-one tutor support. Once you have worked through the course and submitted your answers to the exercises you will receive a Certificate of Completion which you can use as evidence of training or CPD.

Workshop features

  • Powerpoint format: read it on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • Save time and money: no need to travel to a workshop venue
  • Practical exercises to reinforce your learning
  • Work at your own pace: do it when you want, start and stop when you like, go back to revise sections if you need to, and spend as long as you like on the practical exercises
  • Keep the course materials to refer back to later on
  • Informal teaching style, with a lively and enthusiastic approach to the topic
  • One-to-one tutor support by email included in the price, providing answers to the practical exercises and to any other queries arising from the workshop (up to one hour of tutor time)


Ann Hudson (FSocInd) is currently the SI Training Director. She is an experienced teacher and is well known in SI as a workshop leader and tutor for online tutorials. She has also delivered in-house workshops for publishers. She has been indexing for more than 30 years and draws on her extensive experience for this workshop. She is fascinated by all aspects of indexing and aims to make her workshops to be enjoyable as well as useful.

To book this workshop go to the online SI-Shop.