Indexing for editors online workshopIndexing for editors online workshop


Indexing for editors online workshop

Tutor: Ann Hudson (FSocInd)

This workshop is available for individual study at a time to suit you; it is delivered in Powerpoint format and includes practical exercises and tutor support via email. A company licence is available: see ‘Prices’ below.

Ann has given many in-house workshops for publishers including DK, OUP, Taylor & Francis, Jessica Kingsley and Sage, and has also given workshops on indexing for the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading and the Publishing Training Centre.

As an editor

  • Do you know how to choose a good professional indexer?
  • Do you know how to brief a professional indexer?
  • Could you give guidance to the author and professional indexer about their respective responsibilities?
  • Do you know how to cost an index?
  • Would you know how to check whether an index is of an acceptable standard, and recognize a bad one?

Factors that will affect the indexer’s job

  • The quality of editing and overall structure of the publication
  • Realistic expectations from both author and editor
  • Adequate space for the index, to match the length and content of the book
  • Reasonable deadlines
  • Changes to the original schedule
  • Whether substantial changes are likely to be made, particularly when these involve random repagination

How will this online workshop help you?

The workshop aims to give you an overview of the principles of indexing, how indexes are compiled, and the role of the editor. There are five sections:

  1. What makes a good index?
  2. How do indexers work?
  3. The role of the editor: commissioning an index
  4. Understanding index construction
  5. The role of the editor: dealing with the index when it arrives
  6. Indexing software

Workshop features

  • PowerPoint format, suitable for PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • work at your own pace
  • keep the course materials to refer back to later
  • six practical exercises
  • tutor support
  • purchase the workshop as an individual or as a company


The basic price of the workshop is for one individual, but a company licence is also available. This permits the workshop to be shared among editors in a single company; the price includes tutor support for up to 10 people. If a company buys the workshop for one individual and then decides to upgrade to a company licence, the initial cost will be refunded.

For current prices and to book this workshop go to the online SI-Shop.

Alternatively, have you thought of inviting a professional tutor-indexer into your company?

The Society of Indexers runs a half-day in-house workshop that you can fit into your busy schedule; this costs less than a company licence for the online version. In addition, the tutor-indexer will tailor the content of the workshop to your own editorial needs and/or those of your colleagues.

Full details can be found here.