Active indexing creating indexes for eBooksActive indexing creating indexes for eBooks


Active indexing: creating indexes for eBooks

Participation in this workshop earns 3 SI CPD points in the Indexing Technologies category

This workshop will give you an overview of the eBook and how active eBook indexes work. It provides insights into various types of embedded indexing techniques that may be required, an introductory familiarity with some of the tools used and sets this within the wider context of publishing schedules. You will also gain some understanding of why XML coding is used in publishing, what it actually is and how it facilitates index entry creation (you don’t need to know XML coding to do this type of indexing but a basic understanding can help).

Although not specifically a tutorial in methods of embedded and eBook indexing, the workshop includes simple introductory demos of the main embedded indexing tools, with links to trial software for you to try in your own time. Other exercises enhance your understanding generally and come with answers which are solutions or guidance notes; a course tutor may also be contacted for clarification of information.

By the end of the workshop, which takes roughly between 6 and 8 hours to work through, you should feel a lot more confident about exploring for yourself the software packages available, taking on a first commission and talking to publishers and editors about what is needed.

Non-SI Students should visit the shop to order the workshop

SI Students

All students take this workshop as a compulsory element of the course once they have reached Module D. You are not required to ‘pass’ in order to achieve your accreditation – the requirement is participation. However, you must submit the Compulsory Exercises to enhance your understanding and you will be awarded a Completion Certificate for the workshop once you have received your tutor feedback. The workshop can be taken any time after purchasing Module D, and before submission of the PIA.

For 5th Edition students the price of the workshop is included in the cost of Module D whilst there is a further fee for 4th Edition students. Please contact the SI Office when you wish to take the workshop.

Students on the SI training course will submit four compulsory exercises to the SI Office and tutorial support will come in the form of feedback on their answers.

See comments by those who have taken the workshop.

The eBook is not going away!
Take this course to find out more about this specialised type of indexing and develop the capacity for informed discussion with your clients.


Module 1: All About eBooks
Module 3: Embedded Indexing and XML
What exactly is an eBook?Why XML?
eBook formatsTypes of XML
What are the issues for indexers of eBooks?XML code
Targets for linked entriesEPUB 3.0 specification
Module 2: Embedded Indexing
Module 4: Active Indexes and Workflows
Tools for embedded indexingCreating links and conversion to eBook
Inbuilt indexing tools: Word demoGuidelines for indexers and publishers
Inbuilt indexing tools: Word – using Index ExploitBook production workflows and indexing
Inbuilt indexing tools: InDesign CC demo
Indexing software + Add-On: DEXembed demoFind Out More…
Indexing software + Add-On: WordEmbed demoInformation, networks and support
Indexing software + Plug-In: InDesign CC demoWorkshops and webinars
Special indexing software: Index-Manager demo
What is tagging?Resources
WordEmbed and taggingSoftware
Legacy indexesSoftware support


“This has been the most useful resource I have come across in terms of both explaining the concepts and issues involved, and facilitating hands-on practical experience. I think it is really excellent”
Wendy Baskett

“I do recommend the new Active Indexing online workshop for finding out more about [embedded indexing], having been one of those who tested it out before release. It takes 6–8 hours to work through and is honestly an absolute bargain for the amount of knowledge that you’ll get”
Paula Clarke Bain

“I’ve had XML explained to me before but never so clearly”
Tanya Izzard (on the original presentation which formed a basis for the workshop)

“As a new indexer it gave me a good overview of an area of indexing that I will encounter”
Laurel Rush

“I am really impressed with [the] presentation.  It is the best introduction to embedded indexing I have found. Very useful comprehensive coverage of the subject.”
Helmut Filacchione

“I liked the scope of the workshop.  I felt it explained all the elements in relation to each other and put them into context. It has given me much more confidence – for example knowing which sort of indexing projects I can now take on.”
Jo Bettles