Online workshopsOnline workshops


Online workshops

The following SI workshops are available online for individual study at a time to suit you.

  • Active indexing: creating indexes for eBooks (Tutor Jan Worrall) (3 SI CPD points). This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of the eBook, embedded indexing processes, XML and how the indexing process fits into publisher workflows. It is delivered in Powerpoint format and includes exercises to enhance understanding.
  • How to edit an index: creating order out of chaos (Tutor: Ann Hudson) (4 SI CPD points) Indexers at all stages of their careers will benefit from enrolling on this workshop. It is delivered in Powerpoint format and includes practical exercises and tutor support.
  • Indexing Basics (Tutor: Jan Worrall) This workshop is aimed at those considering an indexing career or embarking on the first module of the training course. It is delivered in Powerpoint format and includes practical exercises and tutor support.
  • Indexing for Editors (Tutor: Ann Hudson). This workshop aims to give you an overview of the principles of indexing, how indexes are compiled, and the role of the editor. A single user and company licence is available
  • Indexing the past (Tutor: Ann Hudson) (4 SI CPD points) The past is everything that happened before today, and provides many opportunities for indexers. This workshop aims to demystify indexing the past and is suitable for indexers at all stages of their careers. It is delivered in Powerpoint format and includes practical exercises and tutor support.
  • Writing index entries: finding the words (Tutor: Ann Hudson) (4 SI CPD points) This workshop will help both new and more experienced indexers in the task that is at the heart of the indexing process –  choosing headings that are as clear and useful as possible to the index users. It is delivered in Powerpoint format and includes practical exercises and tutor support.

For prices go to our online shop. Members of affiliated societies can use their discount coupon code once the workshop is in your shopping cart. Non-members who subsequently join the Society after taking the Indexing basics workshop will receive a £30 discount off the cost of SI membership.

Online workshops can be booked at any time via the online SI-Shop.