English proficiencyEnglish proficiency


English proficiency

English language proficiency: level of expertise required for training course

To take the SI course you need to be highly proficient in the use of the English language. Indexing requires in-depth understanding of a text and involves detailed analysis of concepts, sometimes implicit and not specifically ‘named’, awareness of synonymous alternatives for terms and an appreciation of how conceptual ideas are linked to each other.

The Society is not able to offer assessment in other languages, so even if you intend to index in another language, you need to also show developing competence at indexing in English in order to pass.

As a guideline, a band score of 7–9 on the nine-band scale of the IELTS Academic English proficiency test would be appropriate with individual scores of 7.5–9 for the Reading and Writing components of the test.
Please note, this is just a guide—the Society does not require evidence that you have taken this test to start the course.

For further information see the IELTS Academic Test descriptions (especially the Academic Reading and Academic Writing aspects – click the appropriate heading for each test).