The course is one of the best examples of distance learning that I’ve encountered.
Helen Thompson
I couldn’t have set myself up in business without it!
Helen Bilton
I am familiar with online and distance learning in higher education, and the SI course is exemplary.
Jim Butcher
Thank you for an excellent course in indexing which has allowed me to do such a good job on my first index. (Editor’s comment on her first index: ‘The index was excellent, thank you. Very professionally done.’)
Caroline Jones
I think the [online] tutorials are the most important part of the course. It’s only when you have a real text to index and then to compare and discuss with others that you really start to understand the whole process of indexing.
Ruth Ellis
I found the [online] tutorial very useful; the feedback and variety of ideas were particularly interesting because I find it’s easy to follow too narrow a path when working alone.
Guy Tugwell
I have enjoyed the whole course immensely – the online tutorials are marvellous as they give you an opportunity to interact with your fellow students and of course you learn a huge amount in the process as well.
Eileen O’Neill
The prospect of being an Accredited Indexer makes me actually more proud than having an MLIS degree soon. The SI indexing course is more challenging than any course I have attended at library school. And more fun as well. I immensely enjoyed the online tutorials.
Florian Ehrensperger