Study, Tests and Assignments (5th Edition)Study, Tests and Assignments (5th Edition)


Study, Tests and Assignments (5th Edition)

Note: if you are already a student on the SI course you will find more detailed information in the Students section of the Members Area.

Each of the modules, which can be purchased separately, takes about 45–50 hours of study and is based on British and International Standard guidelines. There is a time limit of four years for completion of the course as a whole. Students who have difficulty meeting the time limit due to circumstances beyond their control may apply for an extension; their case will be reviewed by a TCC panel who will decide whether to grant a conditional extension of up to one year (an extra fee will be charged).

Whilst it is possible to complete the course in a little over a year, provided no test resits are necessary, most people find that it takes between eighteen months and four years. Students should allow time to complete the various components of the course: participating in three compulsory online tutorials, taking the tests and assignments associated with each module, and taking the compulsory Active indexing: creating indexes for eBooks for Module D students. Tutorials run for a month and are scheduled at regular intervals, but bear in mind that there may not be one with places available exactly when you need it.

Feedback from assignments and tests gives constant guidance on your developing skills as an indexer and your personal Course Adviser will be able to help with any problems you have in understanding or applying theory and practice in creating indexes.

Formal tests and assignments may only be taken one at a time because there is a time limit for completing each test. Test papers may be retaken if necessary.

Test A is split into two parts, a theory section and an index section, and the allocation of marks for each section is indicated; candidates are required to pass both sections, although one resit of the paper, or part of the paper is possible.

Indexing assignments are undertaken for Modules B and C (one for Module B, two for Module C) and receive personal feedback from an assignment tutor; this will show you how well you are doing and help to identify areas you need to work on further.

There are separate papers for the D1 Theory and D2 Practical tests: the theory test must be passed before the student can proceed to the practical test, although two resits are allowed for each paper. The tests are marked using a grading system A–E, with A–C indicating levels of pass. The overall pass mark is 70%. The standard required is necessarily high, and not everyone completes the course successfully.

Working indexers who are taking the Accreditation: experience route assessment will be tested to the same standards as are applied on the full SI course. The test paper is also split into two parts, following the D Test format.  As on the main course, the pass mark is 70% for both papers.