Course overview/features (5th Edition)Course overview/features (5th Edition)


Course overview/features (5th Edition)

The Society runs its own distance-learning course, ‘Training in Indexing’ which leads to Accreditation and Professional Membership of the Society. Accreditation by the Society of Indexers is a professional and vocational qualification and a high standard is set to ensure competency in the commercial world. A high level of English language proficiency is required for the course.

The 5th Edition of the course, launched in July 2020, provides students with an enhanced learning experience guided by tutors who are experienced indexers. Each student is allocated a course adviser who will support learning from Module B through to Module D. There are formal tests at the start and end of the course but in between these tests, indexing assignments provide a staged progression of indexing challenges supported with one-to-one feedback. Online group tutorials with tutor-led discussion give further opportunity for practice and discussion of indexing principles. A dedicated student discussion  forum, and access to an elected Student Representative, provide for further student interaction.

The course provides a grounding in the basic principles of indexing needed to produce useful, well-structured indexes and is designed to develop the skills essential for commercial indexing. Information on e-publishing gives new indexers some insights into the digital publishing environment they are entering.

You can start the course at any time and pay for each module as you progress through the course at your own speed, with four years allowed to complete.

The course consists of the following elements:

  • four modules with assessment on the first and last module
  • practice exercises to consolidate the learning of theory
  • three non-assessed indexing assignments with individual feedback from a tutor
  • three online tutorials led by an experienced indexer
  • an online workshop on e-Book and embedded indexing
  • a final non-assessed pre-qualification indexing assignment creating an index to a full-length book
  • this document sets out each stage of the course, and what needs to be completed, in chronological order.

The course is delivered through this website and, in addition to the study and practice materials, there is an extensive Resources area providing useful information and links.

An earlier edition of the course was awarded the CILIP Seal of Recognition by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in 2008, in acknowledgement of its relevance in the information field. CILIP has now discontinued the Seal of Recognition, but the Society is currently a CILIP Supplier Partner.

For a sample extract from Module A click here.

You may also purchase Module A and receive a month’s access to the training site before deciding whether to become a member of SI and enrol for the course.

For a full breakdown of the prices for the entire course see Prices.

The course is aimed at those interested in developing a professional career in indexing and anyone who needs to extend their knowledge of indexing in order to enhance professional development.

To see if you have aptitude for indexing, try our pre-enrolment exercises.

Feedback on the course

Read some comments on the previous edition of the course from recent students.