International Indexing Conference 2022: Continental ConnectionsInternational Indexing Conference 2022: Continental Connections


International Indexing Conference 2022: Continental Connections

Berlin, Germany, 17-18 October 2022

To coincide with the triennial meeting of ICRIS (International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies), an international conference was held in Berlin, in the heart of Europe, enabling participants to explore one of the most famous and cosmopolitan cities in the world.

Organised jointly by the Netherlands and German indexing networks (NIN and DNI) and the Society of Indexers, in cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Information und Wissen e.V (DGI), this was the first hybrid indexing event – online and on-site – with presentations live-streamed  to online participants.

It gave indexers the opportunity to widen their horizons and hone their skills, while also networking with colleagues old and new. For those travelling to Berlin the chance to meet face to face was very much appreciated.

The three keynote speakers approached the organisation of information from contrasting viewpoints and gave the conference a truly international flavour. Judith Flanders (UK and Canada) looked back at the developmentof alphabetical ordering, Professor Kiene Brillenburg-Wurth (The Netherlands) focused on the future of the alphabet and its implications for indexing, while Professor Urs Stäheli (Germany) took a sociological apporach to indexes and list-making. The programme also included presentations from indexers around the world on a wide range of issues, from client relations to e-book developments, as well as a publishers’ panel. Check out the detailed programme for more information.  Reports on the conference were published in the March 2023 issue of The Indexer, and a special conference issue was published in September 2023.

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact the SI international representative