Books on indexingBooks on indexing


Books on indexing

This selection of books and articles about indexing will be of interest to indexers and those thinking of becoming indexers.

Bell, Hazel K. (4th Ed. 2020) Indexing biographies and other stories of human lives, Liverpool University Press (discount available for Society members)

Booth, P.F. (2001). Indexing: the manual of good practice, De Gruyter.

Bridge, N. (ed.) (2012). Indexing names. Information Today, Inc.

British Standards Institution (1985). BS 1749 Alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numerals and symbols. BSI.

British Standards Institution (1996). BS ISO 999 Information and documentation: guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes. BSI.

Browne, G. and Jermey, J. (2007). The Indexing Companion. Cambridge University Press

Browne, G. and Jermey, J. (2004). Website indexing, 2nd edn.

Butcher, J., Drake, C., Leach, M. (2006). Butcher’s copy-editing, 4th edn. Cambridge University Press.

Chicago manual of style, 17th edn. (2017). University of Chicago Press.

Elliston, V. (2005) Indexing children’s books (article reproduced with permission from the Children’s Writers and Artists Yearbook 2005. A & C Black)

Harris, N. (1991). Basic editing. The Publishing Training Centre.

Mulvany, N. (2005). Indexing books, 2nd edn. University of Chicago Press.

Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues. (1996) K.G. Saur.

New Hart’s rules: the Oxford style guide, 2nd edn (2014). Oxford University Press.

Smith, Sherry L. and Kells, Kari (2005). Inside indexing: the decision-making process. Northwest Indexing Press.

Stauber, D. M. (2004). Facing the text: content and structure in book indexing. Cedar Row Press.

Wellisch, H.W. (1996). Indexing from A to Z, 2nd edn. H.W. Wilson.

Zafran, Enid L. and Shapiro, Joan (ed.) (2009). Starting an indexing business, 4th edn. Information Today, Inc.