National Indexing Day 2022

Posted on: 07/02/2022

National Indexing Day 2022 30th March 2022The Society of Indexers celebrated the sixth National Indexing Day and the 65th anniversary of our founding on Wednesday 30th March 2022. Celebrations were held throughout the day across social media with the tag #indexday. A summary of the discussions on Twitter can be found on our Wakelet summary.

We marked this year’s event with a free online live discussion session with six of our members. There were three parts to the session. We looked at the experience of being an indexer, with a member who has recently completed our professional training course chatting with someone with a well-established career. Then we compared the differences in indexing requirements for academic and trade publishers. We finished with a look at what needs to be considered when working with an author, including the complexity of embedded indexing.  An edited video of this event will available at a later date on our website.

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