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Welcome to the Society of Indexers
the professional body for indexers in the United Kingdom and Ireland
Indexing and
Publishing Technology
Digital developments in publishing have presented challenges to the ways in which indexes are constructed and presented. Research is ongoing into technological solutions, which require input from both publishers and indexers.
SI Bookshop
& Publications
Publications are available for purchase from the Society of Indexers.
Message from our Honorary President
Caroline Sanderson
It’s my huge pleasure and privilege to serve as Honorary President of the Society of Indexers (SI), succeeding the admirable Sam Leith.
I’ve worked as a freelance writer and books journalist for the best part of 30 years, with non-fiction my speciality. So throughout my career I’ve benefitted from an incalculable number of indexes. In fact I first consulted indexes many years before that as a nerdy child with a large collection of reference books.
I’m delighted to have this opportunity to advocate for the beauty and utility of a good index and – in an era when we are grappling with the potential and the pitfalls of artificial intelligence – the human acuity that is indispensable to making one.
So, whether you are a publisher, an author or a reader, please browse this website, where you’ll find out exactly how integral the work of a professional indexer is to the books that you publish, write, consult and enjoy.
The Indexer
Subscribe to our International Journal
The Indexer is the international journal of indexing, published by the Society of Indexers on behalf of indexing societies around the world. It is addressed to practitioners and scholars, to indexers and users of indexes, with articles on indexing in the digital age, usability, specialist indexing projects, professional development, software designed to help the indexer. It also has coverage of indexing-related conferences and indexing society developments and regular articles on indexing over the centuries and the impact it has had on approaches to information management and the way scholars think about things.