Membership subscription levelsMembership subscription levels


Membership subscription levels

By clicking on one of the buttons below, you are confirming that you have read and agree to abide by the Society’s Code of Professional Conduct and  understand that the Society of Indexers (SI) will use your personal data only for the purposes of your membership of SI and involvement in SI activities. Your data will not be shared with any third party and the principles of the GDPR 2018 will be adhered to. By submitting this form your are consenting to receiving information about the Society by post, email, online or phone.

The membership year runs from January to December, i.e. if you first join during that period you are joining for that calendar year and not a subsequent one and will need to renew membership the following January.  Renewals must be completed before the end of the following January in order to ensure continuous membership.

If you are already a member and looking to renew membership you should only see your current valid rate below. If you are seeing more than one rate, please ensure you are logged into the site before renewing

LIFE MEMBER The price for membership is £2,550.00 now. Select
New Member The price for membership is £127.50 now.

25% discount on the full Standard membership rate valid for the first year of membership only, for those who have not previously been members of the Society.

Standard The price for membership is £170.00 now. Select
Retired indexer, aged 70 and over The price for membership is £85.00 now.

For those over 70 and no longer actively working as an indexer.


E & OE. Rates correct as at 29 November 2024.