Facets of indexing: the diamond anniversary conferenceFacets of indexing: the diamond anniversary conference


Facets of indexing: the diamond anniversary conference


All Day


St Anne's College
Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HS

Event Type

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To celebrate the Society’s sixtieth anniversary, the conference will be held in the attractive surroundings of St Anne’s College, Oxford. The conference facilities are located in several buildings but all are situated close together, with pleasant, level paths between them. Have a look at the virtual tour on the college website to view some of the facilities. Accommodation is in single en-suite rooms, with a small number of twin rooms available for delegates bringing partners to enjoy the many attractions Oxford has to offer.  A limited number of rooms have been reserved for Tuesday 20 June for delegates arriving the day before the conference, and also for Thursday 22 June for delegates combining the conference with the Book Index symposium at the Bodleian Library. Rooms will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Useful information on travel to Oxford and things to do is here. Oxford has good rail connections with London, the midlands/north-east and the south, and several bus routes pass the college. Although there is no parking at the venue, the nearest park-and-ride is only a short  bus ride away; park-and-ride timetables are here and here.

With the usual mixture of plenary and break-out sessions, the conference will have something for both newly qualified indexers (and students) and those who are well-established in the profession. The programme gives more information. Discussion groups, tea/coffee breaks and mealtimes will provide ample opportunity for the networking that is such a valuable part of conferences for freelance indexers, while lectures, workshops and seminars will help to hone your skills and keep you abreast with current developments in publishing. Detailed information about workshop and seminar sessions is now available here.