Code of Professional ConductCode of Professional Conduct


Code of Professional Conduct


The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to set out the standards of professional behaviour expected of indexers who are members of the Society of Indexers.


The Code of Conduct sets out certain basic principles which are intended to guide members in maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct. Should a case arise where a member is believed to have fallen short of the standards expected, a Disciplinary Panel may be convened to consider the matter, as set out in the Society’s Disciplinary and appeals procedure. The Disciplinary Panel will report to the Executive Board, which will determine what action should be taken in any particular instance.

Public Interest

  1. Members shall, in their professional practice, have regard to basic human rights, and shall avoid any actions which adversely affect such rights. Members must not discriminate in their dealings with individuals or organisations on the grounds of race, colour, religious beliefs or practices, ethnic or national origin, disabilities, gender, sexuality, marital status or age.
  2. Members shall, at all times in their work, comply with the laws of the land in which they live and, where applicable, the laws of other jurisdictions.

Duties to the Profession

  1. Members shall uphold the reputation of the profession and shall seek to improve professional standards through participation in their development and use.
  2. Members shall endeavour to develop their professional understanding and expertise and to contribute to extending the body of professional knowledge.
  3. Members shall act with integrity towards fellow indexers, and to their clients and members of other professions with whom they are concerned in a professional capacity.
  4. Members shall avoid engaging in any activity which is incompatible with their professional status, or which might compromise their professional integrity or encroach on their professional responsibilities.
  5. Members shall encourage and support fellow members in their professional development, and, wherever possible, provide opportunities for the professional development of new entrants to the profession.
  6. Members shall seek to advance public knowledge and understanding of indexing, and to counter false or misleading statements which are detrimental to the profession.

Professional Competence and Integrity

  1. Members shall seek to conform to recognized good practice in their work.
  2. Members shall only offer to do work or provide services which are within their professional competence. Members shall not lay claim to any competence which they do not possess and nor should membership of itself be referred to in such a way as to imply professionally recognized qualifications or skills.
  3. Members must not use the Society’s logo unless they are entitled to use a customized version by virtue of their membership grade.
  4. Members shall accept professional responsibility for their work.
  5. Members shall seek to avoid conflict with their professional colleagues and with members of related professions and strive to resolve difficulties on a basis of mutual respect and understanding.
  6. Members shall seek to upgrade their professional knowledge and skills, and maintain awareness of developments, procedures and standards which are relevant to their chosen areas of specialty.
  7. Members must not misuse, nor allow the unauthorized disclosure or use of, any information acquired by them in confidence, in the course of their professional work.

Duties to the Society

  1. Members shall seek to promote the objectives of the Society, as set out in its Memorandum and Articles, and must not engage in any action which is contrary to those objectives.
  2. Members of the Society shall conduct themselves in such a way that their behaviour cannot reasonably be regarded by the Executive Board of the Society as bringing the Society or the profession of indexing into disrepute.
  3. Members must not seek or seem to ascribe to the Society responsibility for views expressed or actions taken by themselves unless expressly authorized to do so.

Download the Code of Professional Conduct.