Membership gradesMembership grades


Membership grades

There are five categories of membership: four professional grades related to the Society’s qualifications and an ordinary membership category for indexers without recognised professional qualifications and those with a general interest in indexing.

Professional grades

  • Student Member*
  • Professional Member (MSocInd)
  • Advanced Professional Member (MSocInd (Adv))
  • Fellow (FSocInd)

Basic membership

  • Member

*Members are designated as students once they apply to take the Module A Test.

Accreditation and Professional Membership

Members who successfully complete the course are entitled to the status of Accredited Indexer (AI), provided they remain members of the Society, and are awarded the grade of Professional Member (MSocInd). Highly experienced indexers may also qualify as Accredited Indexers through an abbreviated testing procedure based on the SI course. Details available here.

Advanced Professional Members (MSocInd(Adv)) have demonstrated a certain level of post-qualification experience over at least two years, while Fellows (FSocInd) will have proved commitment to the development of indexing skills and good practice.

All Professional Members are eligible for inclusion in the online Directory of Professional Indexers, provided they:

  • have been involved in the production of an index within the last two years or have qualified within the last two years;
  • and are fully paid-up members of the Society.