Benefits of membershipBenefits of membership


Benefits of membership

By joining the Society of Indexers you will become part of a group of fellow professionals who are working towards raising awareness of indexes and the profession of indexing.  You will also have access to the following resources and support networks:

Professional directory

All members with recognised qualifications are entitled to an entry in the directory, which lists your skills, subject areas and experience.  The directory is widely publicised among publishers, and is an effective way of advertising your services.

Training & qualifications

Membership entitles you to enrol on the SI web-based distance-learning course, successful completion of which leads to a professional qualification recognised among publishers.

The Indexer

As a member you receive a free subscription, printed and online, to The Indexer, the quarterly international journal of indexing.


Our Society online newsletter is published quarterly and available to all members, keeping you up to date with Society news and current trends in indexing.

Discussion forums

Members have access to SIdeline, a general discussion forum  about all matters relating to indexing, and working as an indexer.  There are also forums for student indexers, newly qualified indexers and local groups.

Conferences & workshops

Discounts are available to members attending our annual conferences, and for our workshops, aimed at both beginner and experienced indexers.

Local groups

Many regional groups have an active programme of events and their own email discussion forums, giving you the chance to meet fellow indexers on a regular basis.

Other organisations

Members of the Society receive discounts on membership of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and its workshops and conferences, Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) conferences, and the conferences, meetings and publications of indexing societies in Australia, Canada, South Africa and the United States. Members may also join the special interest groups of the American Society for Indexing

Books, products, services and subscriptions

Full details of discounts available can be found on the Member benefits page


  • Publications listed in the SI bookshop
  • Dictionaries and language reference books from Oxford University Press
  • The Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook – the directory of publishers, literary agencies and editorial services
  • All books published by Profile Books


  • Cyber liability insurance from PolicyBee
  • Professional indemnity insurance from PolicyBee
  • Software training: training in Adobe InDesign, Acrobat, Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Animate – from Certitec