Local groupsLocal groups


Local groups

Local groups give members in a particular area the opportunity to meet, hold workshops and seminars and promote the Society.  They can provide the opportunity to meet fellow indexers, discuss specific issues concerning indexing or freelance working, and provide mutual support and encouragement. Forthcoming meetings are shown in the calendar of events, with more detail on individual group pages.

Members are encouraged to subscribe to their local group’s discussion forum via the forums page.

Non-members who are considering joining the Society or taking the Training Course are welcome to come along to a local group meeting to gain some insight into what is involved.

There are currently local groups in the following regions and counties:

Members living in an area without a local group are encouraged to contact the Groups Co-ordinator for advice on setting up a new group.

All SI members are encouraged to join local group meetings of CIEP (and vice versa). As the larger society, CIEP has a wider network of local groups.

SI members may also join any of the special interest groups of the American Society for Indexing (ASI).