The Carey AwardThe Carey Award


The Carey Award

The Society established the Carey Award in 1977, in memory of its first President, Gordon V. Carey. It is presented on an occasional basis to people who have performed outstanding services to indexing. Early recipients received a framed, illuminated parchment.

On 6 September.to 2015, The Carey Award was presented to

Maureen MacGlashan CMG

by the Society’s president, Sam Leith, at the Society’s Annual Conference in York

For outstanding services to indexing

President of the Society of Indexers from 2002 to 2005, but her contribution to the world of indexing goes far beyond that:

Editor of The Indexer since 2004, making the journal a truly international publication, in both its coverage and its contributors

Overseeing the development of online access for The Indexer, its website being established in 2005

Founder member of the Society of Indexers Publishing Technology Group, with its comprehensive website

The Society’s international representative and a key figure in ICRIS (International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies), travelling regularly in this capacity and fostering international relations

Dedicated to raising awareness about indexing and the Society, attending many conferences, not only those of the overseas indexing societies but also those of academic and other professional associations

Remarkably generous to other indexers with her time and knowledge 


2015Maureen MacGlashan
2009Ann Hudson
2004Douglas Mathews
2003Janet Shuter
2002Pat Booth
2000Mary Piggott
1998Elizabeth Wallis
1996Hazel Bell
1993Barbara Britton
1991Kenneth Bakewell
1989John Gordon
1987William Heckscher
1983Margaret Anderson
1982Leonard Harrod
1977Norman Knight